Hello readers! We've got another link of the week ready for you, but it's going to be a bit different this time. Rather than highlighting one specific lecture we'd like to make you aware of a wonderful six-part series that Dr. George Grant put together on the intersection of Scottish and American history. If you've never heard Dr. Grant speak before then I would highly encourage you to take the time to listen to some of his other lectures as well. (If you only have time to listen to one, allow me to recommend lecture five on Thomas Chalmers)
To listen to this weeks link go to: http://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?seriesOnly=true&currSection=sermonstopic&sourceid=gpts&keyword=Scottish+and+American+History&keyworddesc=Scottish+and+American+History
Link of the Week #3
| author: B.E. Franks
Link of the Week #2
| author: B.E. Franks
Hello readers! We hope you enjoyed last week's "Link of the Week" and we hope you enjoy our featured link this week as well. This week's link is a sermon entitled "Sex and True Intimacy" from Rev. Charles R. Biggs sermon series on the book of Ephesians. Rev. Biggs is the pastor of Ketoctin Covenant Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Purcellville Va.
To listen to this weeks link go here: http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=32310917202
Link of the Week #1
| author: B.E. FranksHello readers! We hope you've enjoyed the articles and reviews that have been posted so far. We're continuing to work on more content for Frankly Speaking, and we're proud to introduce a new feature to our blog. Every Friday we'll be posting a recommended "Link of the Week" for your edification. These links will contain the best sermon, lecture, or podcast that we have listened to in the past week.
For our first "Link of the Week" we're profiling a recent podcast from our friends over at the Reformed Forum discussing the epistemology of N.T. Wright. I found this podcast very helpful in outlining the good and the bad of Bishop Wright's thought. We hope that you will enjoy this podcast, and all the future "Links of the Week."
To listen to the podcast go here: http://reformedforum.org/rmr26/