
Our Vision for Frankly Speaking


How are Christians to live in an ever changing world? Political unrest, financial uncertainty, religious plurality; we live in a world of conflicting ideas where there seems to be no shortage of opinions on how one is to think or to live! Much like the sirens in Homer's Odyssey, these voices vie for our attention; tempting us to do their bidding. With new forms of media emerging every day it's easy to feel overrun with others opinions.
Perhaps the most popular means of broadcasting viewpoints is the almost ubiquitous blog.
A 2007 study by Technorati showed that there are over 112 million blogs. With so many people already sharing their knowledge (or perhaps their lack thereof) one could easily wonder: why start another blog? It's a fair question, and hopefully as we share our vision in the next few paragraphs you'll begin to see why we feel this blog is worth reading.
Beyond Opinion:
The first (and arguably most important) reason we are starting this blog is to go beyond opinions. We aren't here to share our views on the issues of the day or add our voices to the already deafening choir of ignorance. If our only goal were to push our agenda then you might as well stop reading now. But that isn't our goal. Our goal is to bring the Word of God to bear on the situations, issues, and ideas that bombard us. Our hope is to faithfully, and humbly, share the Truth of Scripture with fallen people in a fallen world. Our vision is to push beyond opinions to the reality of God's revelation.
Developing Christian Thought:
Hebrew 4:12 tell us that “[T]he word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. ” As we come into contact with the Word of God we cannot help but have our thinking transformed.
It is our firm belief that our thought life cannot be separated from our daily life. In other words, the way we think determines the way we live. It is our hope that “Frankly Speaking” will help both us and our readers develop a mature, Scripture-saturated thought life. We want to model what a truly biblical worldview looks like as we interact with the world.
Great Expectations:
So, what can you expect from “Frankly Speaking”?
First, expect variety. As we said above our goal is to model what a truly biblical worldview looks like through interacting with the world. Our posts may talk about theology, politics, literature, music, history, or in a word life
. Our topics will vary, but hopefully we will always write through the lens of Scripture. Second, expect balance. We aren't setting out to write a particularly “heady” blog. Although we may discuss deep issues we want these discussions to inform our life. We want to be at home in the realm of ideas while recognizing that the Christian does not have the luxury of separating thought from action.
We could (and hopefully will) say much more about what we hope to accomplish with this blog. But for now it is enough to say: welcome! We hope you will profit from the articles and essays featured on this site. It is our sincere prayer that this blog will help you “to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”


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