
Link of the Week #5


Hello readers! I (Ben) just finished listening to a wonderful class put out by Westminster Theological Seminary on the Medieval Church. The course was taught by the wise, and witty, Dr. Carl Trueman. Dr. Trueman walks us through almost one thousand years of Christian thought and practice in a lucid, and engaging style. Even among students of Church history there is often an appalling ignorance of the Middle Ages. Hopefully, this course will do much to fill in the gap of knowledge that most Protestant's have of this time period.

Westminster has this course (and many others) available on their iTunes page. Simply go to Westminster's website and click on the "iTunes U" button on the right side of your screen (about half-way down). That will take you to all their online audio resources where you will find Dr. Trueman's course at the bottom of the page. Let me stress again the value of this class. It covers critical information in a delightful manner, a rare but wonderful combination.


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