Recently I preached a sermon on Psalm 119:9-16 on the value of God’s Word in helping a young person keep his way pure. In that sermon I mentioned the advantage that a young person has who has been trained to hide or treasure God’s Word in his heart (Psalm 119:11). But so many families & churches have gotten away from memorizing & meditating on Scripture, thus leaving their young people susceptible to the Devil’s ploys, not unlike the times of the Reformation. During the time of the Reformation there was a terrible ignorance of the Scriptures and doctrines of the church. To help remedy this dilemma, the leaders of the Reformation used the catechisms to catechize people and strengthen their understanding of the Word of God. It can be argued that today, much like in the time of the Reformation, the church is terribly ignorant of the Scriptures. Tolerance, relativism, & postmodernism have seeped into the church and influenced the thinking of many Christians, tempting them to think & live unBiblically. How can such a pagan tide be turned and the church returned to a Christian world & life view? The Bible tells us that it is the Word of God along with the Holy Spirit that changes the heart of man (Rom. 10:17; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Heb. 4:12, 13; John 16:7, 8).
Catechizing may be a strange word to many today, but actually it has been a time-honored and effective practice throughout the history of the church. Catechism comes from a Greek word used in the Bible, katacheo, which simply means instructed or taught (Luke 1:4). Catechism is a method of instruction that uses a series of questions and answers to teach its participants the basic Christian doctrines; thus developing in the minds & lives of the participants a fundamental understanding of what the Bible teaches. Of course the questions & answers were not randomly selected by the authors of the catechism, but were taken from the Bible.
In returning to the practice of catechizing, Christians are filling their minds not only with the teaching of the Bible (through the catechism questions & answers), but also with the Word of God itself (by memorizing the proof text for each catechism question & answer). As Christians memorize the catechism & the corresponding Scriptures they fill their minds with the framework by which to think and approach life (a Christian worldview). When Christians begin to think Christianly, they begin to live Christianly. Like Psalm 119:105 says, Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (NASB). But God's Word does not only guide a person in how to live, but also guards them from the false teaching and sin of the world. Psalm 119:11 says, Your Word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin again You (NASB). The catechism is not "the answer" or "the hope" for the church in her apathy today. However, it is a tool that God has used throughout church history to strengthen His church and cause her to stand firm!
If you are not familiar with the concept of catechizing or are not convinced of its validity for today then let me recommend J.I. Packer & Gary A. Parrett’s book, Grounded in the Gospel: Building Believers the Old-Fashioned Way. In this book they make the case for a recovery of significant catechesis as a nonnegotiable practice, urging evangelical churches to undertake this Biblical ministry for the sake of their spiritual health and vitality.
Once you decide to catechize your kids, let me suggest that you may want to get a copy of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechism (with Proof Texts). This compact, yet readable version of the Confession & Catechism is not only useful for family worship time, but is also a good size to carry with you so that you can read & memorize it on your lunch break.

Another helpful resource is Starr Meade’s book Training Hearts, Teaching Minds. This is a book of daily devotional readings which…
Explains the catechism in simple language.
Provides six different meditations on the main points of each question.
Includes key Scripture readings.
Takes just a few minutes each day, allowing time for discussion and review.
Is useful in the home, church, or classroom.
To make things even easier, Starr Meade’s devotional is based on the Modern English translation of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. These resources are available at
So while it is true that in memorizing Scripture you could start almost anywhere (i.e. your kids Sunday School memory verses, the Roman’s Road, the Navigator’s Memory System, etc) I would recommend using the Westminster Shorter Catechism. The advantage, like I said before is that as Christians memorize the catechism & the corresponding Scriptures they fill their minds with the framework by which to think and approach life (a Christian worldview). I have to say that my family has greatly benefited from this discipline.
Our goal has been to memorize one question & answer of the Westminster Shorter CatechismWestminster Shorter Catechism memorized. If your children are younger you may choose to move at a slower pace. It may take you four, six or even eight years to memorize these great truths. Nonetheless you are still hiding God’s Word in your child’s heart. What a blessing! along with at least one verse each week. What a blessing to know that you are helping your child treasure up 52 verses a year. In just a little over two years you could have the entire
One last word; let me encourage you grandparents to memorize the Shorter Catechism with your grandchildren. Often parents get so caught up in the mundane tasks of raising their children that they are tempted to forget the important things such as hiding God’s Word in their children’s hearts. As grandparents, you have a special opportunity to help your kids hide God’s Word in the hearts of your grandkids.
One special way to do this is through music. Holly Dutton has taken the time to put all the questions & answers to the Westminster Shorter Catechism to music and put them on four CD’s ( . What a great gift to give to your grandchildren and to sing along with them!
In Christ,
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