
Link of the Week # 17


“There is nothing like a good book!” But not everyone takes the time to sit down on a regular basis and read a good book. For those who would like to read, but never seem to get around to it, for whatever reason or another, this week’s link is for you!

Our Link of the Week is actually several links; links to some of the best web sites for FREE audio books. If it is difficult to find time to read then consider downloading a free audio book and listening to it as you exercise, drive to work, soak in a hot tub or any other number of activities one might do throughout the day.

A few good free audio book web sites include:

Please keep in mind that we do not endorse all the content on these sites. Readers are reminded to use discretion & discernment in their selection of materials. However, there are many wonderful books available for free in audio format. Here is just a sampling:
As one can see there are a wide variety of audio books available. So take the time to peruse these sites, find a good book to listen to and enjoy!!!


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