
Link of the Week #22


Hello readers! It seems that there are certain topics about which people are always talking, and baptism is definitely one of those issues. With the resurgence of Calvinism and Reformed thought in recent decades has come a renewed interest in the historic debates about baptism. Although it is doubtful that any one book will help to resolve these debates we are encouraged to see a new generation of Christian pastors and theologians who are taking up pen to examine this issue with scholarly insight and brotherly love.

Most recent among these books is John Fesko's new book "Word, Water and Spirit: A Reformed Perspective on Baptism." This book dives into the historical arguments, the biblical-theological arguments, and the systematic arguments for paedobaptism. Our friends over at Reformed Forum recently had Dr. Fesko on their show to talk about his book and the Reformed discussion concerning baptism. Whether you're a paedobaptist, credobaptist, or something in-between we hope that his link will prove helpful!

You can listen to this week's link here.


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